Thursday, July 12, 2012


I was going to write a fun post about my silly excitement over having 100 views on this blog and how my sister said that made me a Centurion. But I'm not going to. I'm too sad. And my head hurts too much.

My kitty is missing. She's been missing for 3 days. At first, I wasn't worried because it isn't unusual for her to stay gone for a day to a day and a half in the summer. But it's been three days. She's 14-15 years old. So, in cat years, pretty old. I'm sad. I went to the local pound to see if someone maybe had found her and turned her in. There was a cat that looked SO much like her, but when I got a good look at her eyes, they were green. Kitty's are more gold. I got out to my car and cried. I've had a raging headache all day. Will's already talking about getting a dog. I don't want a dog, I want my Kitty. 

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