Monday, June 25, 2012


So, I finally told my ladies that I started a blog the other day. The ladies being, the ladies in my group. < That sentence is actually kind of irrelevant because they're the only ones that I've told. So, they're the only ones that actually look at my blog and I don't think even they do that often. I'm enjoying myself though and that's what's important. I don't really have anything specific I wanted to write about today so I'm just going to wing it.

If you asked the twins who their favorite Avenger is the girl child says Black Woman. It took me the longest time one day to figure out what the hell she was talking about. She was talking to my mom about her Black Woman cup. I finally figured out she was talking about Black WIDOW. And yes, she has a Black Widow cup. Boy child always corrects her saying, "NO! It's Black WIDOOOOWW!" I just laugh and go with it.  The boy child usually says 'Merica. As in Captain America. He'll sometimes change that answer to Iron Man, and even occasionally Thor or Hulk.

I finally got my tablet back two days ago. It's been broken for MONTHS and I finally got Husband to take it to the store and see what the hell was wrong with it about a month or so ago. Well, finally get it back, go INSANE playing on it and fixing it back up and getting everything back on it that I want. Go to plug it in because I've depleted the battery. The charger is broken. -_- Seriously. Not. Pleased. Husband is going to buy me a new charger today though, or at least try to or I may do some serious bodily harm to him. Even though it's not his fault. I'll take it out on him. Okay, so I won't but I can threaten. I'm mean like that.

Update: Still no charger. The didn't have any at the Verizon store, so I ordered one online. And it's taking it's sweet time getting to me.

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