Friday, June 29, 2012

Emerald Satin, Vanilla, and the Beibs

This morning as I was about to walk out the door, Husband asked me to pick up Justin Beiber's new cd. Yes, you read that correctly. Justin. Beiber. I started laughing, understandably thinking he was pulling my leg. He wasn't. He sincerely wanted me to buy Beiber's cd. My soul died a little bit. He then proceeded to tell me that there's this song on there that he likes about something gonna be his girlfriend something... He meant the song 'Boyfriend'. My soul died a  little more. However, I'm a loving wiff, so I bought the atrocious cd for him. Apparently I'm close-minded because when he told me that there's another song on there that's awesome (barf) I gave him my skepti-eyes.  Right. Close-minded. No, sir. I just know what I like and what I don't like. I will admit freely that the Beibs has some serious talent. The boy can SING. But that doesn't mean that I like WHAT he sings. I have yet to encounter a Beiber song that doesn't grate on my nerves. MY HUSBAND IS 31 AND LISTENS TO JUSTIN BEIBER. That sentence should never be spoken/written/typed/THOUGHT. *sigh* I'm a sad, sad kitten. OH, but I have some awesome music that he snurls his nose up at. Bleh, he can kiss my fat ass.

This is a two-part post today. Both rants.

I don't know what in my brain decided that I can sew satin. My brain is a real douchebag sometimes. I bought 3 yards of satin in a BEAUTIFUL emerald green color. My favorite color. Then I scoured the interwebz trying to find something to do with this beautiful green satin. Anything. OTHER THAN DAMN FLOWERS. I don't want a multitude of green satin flowers exploding throughout my house. I don't know exactly how many flowers 3 yards would yield, but I'm guessing it's A LOT.
 Well, tonight I decided, tonight's the night. I'm going to wing it (this is where my brain went to Douchebag Land) and do something with this satin. I'm going to make a shirt! I grabbed one of my favorite flowy loose-fitting tanks and traced that bitch. Then I cut out the satin in the shape of a tank. X2. Then trimmed. And trimmed. And shaped. And trimmed some more. Finally, I got it all about the same size/shape and sewed the sides together. Then the tops of the straps. Tried it on. Yeah, you might have guessed this already, but it didn't work out so well. It was...poochy around the boobular area. I fiddled and pinned and unpinned and fiddled and then sewed a little and fixed it. Sort of. Okay, so now the shirt looks decent. When I say decent, by the way, I MEAN decent. It isn't good by any stretch of the imagination, but it isn't just God awful, either. The Brain goes, BIAS TAPE! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE THAT PROPERLY! LETS USE IT! So I decide to trim the neckline, armholes, and bottom with bias tape. So far, only the neckline is done because it took me FOREVER to get it done right-ish and when I tried it on, it looks worse now. I don't know what happened, but the neck sort of gaps out now in a weird way. Still, not terrible, but definitely not good either. I kind of want to say screw it, I give up, but I have this affliction that when I start something and it starts going terribly awry I MUST keep going. Usually, this doesn't end well. It almost always snowballs into this massive failtastic debacle. We'll see though. We. Shall. SEE.

On a more positive note, I started my homemade vanilla extract today. It was easy. Slice vanilla beans. Put them in a jar. Pour in vodka. DONE. Well, not DONE done, I still have to remember to shake the jar regularly. Basically done though. Now to wait 4-6 months for it to be ready! YAY!

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