Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bird Costume Part II: The Birdress

This is just a little small update post. I've almost completed my dress for the bird costume. I just have to finish the little belt/sash thingidoohopper. Anyway, I'm pretty proud. I've considered doing a tutorial for this dress, that's how much I love it. I wouldn't advertise it as a birdress though. I don't know anyone who wants a birdress. I would advertise it as a color block dress. And let me tell you, it's easy. I already explained how I did it so I'll just shut up and show you how it turned out.
Also, yes I'm fully aware that I need a black bra.


  1. It's so cute!! :) It'll go perfect with the wings, I think.

  2. Thanks! :) I hope so. I used the same purple fabric from the wings and the same black that I used to sew the 'feathers' onto. I was all out of the fluttery black though. :( I like that black material. I needs more.
