Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Judy Judgerson, and Friends

My Facebook friends must be relatively drama free. I rarely see any judgmental or derisive comments or statuses, but I do see posts about those posts. I learned, oh, about three and a half years ago that no matter what you do, someone, somewhere, is judging you to be a terrible person/mother/organism/whatever. I also learned that, frankly my dears, I don't give a damn what you think. With the exception of a small few, such as friends and family. I've been asked if I knew what caused pregnancy/babies. Why is this socially acceptable?! Even if I was Duggar-esque and having babies as fast as I could, this should not be an okay question to ask someone. And I have THREE. And two of those are TWINS. I've been pregnant all of two times. Not to mention, I am, in fact, pretty sure I know that sex causes pregnancy and that pregnancy usually results in a baby. Or babies, if your body is overzealous in it's egg production like mine. I've also had a person tell me, in not so many words, that there was no possible way I was going to love my babies as much as they love their CATS. I was pregnant with my twins at the time. I managed to keep the hormonal rampage in my mind, for the most part. I've seen mothers be judged more harshly than anyone else so far. You didn't have an all natural childbirth in your backyard? Terrible, uncaring, abomination of a mother. Didn't breastfed to two years, or even one? You don't deserve your babies. (yes, I've actually seen someone say this to another mom.) you gave your infant cereal in a bottle? Dear, sweet baby Jesus! How could you?! And this is just the tippy tip of the judgy iceberg. There is also NO age where it is acceptable to have children. You're too young, then you automatically transition into to old. I was told once that it's SICK that I stay at home and depend on my husband for money. Sick? Really? It's all just ridiculous. I guess what I'm getting at is this. People are judgemental assholes. I try not to let them get to me, though it doesn't always work in my favor. Really, just make yourself and your family happy.



    Judgy Judgerson made me think of something mama told me yesterday about a lady she went to grad school with..they had to stay overnight together for a class once and bedtime came. (As it usually does...) So mama put on her pajamas. And Mrs. Falooty says, "My mother always told me I should never wear pajamas in front of other people."

    haha :) I would've had fun with this "lady." I would've told her stories about all the places I'd been and people I'd seen in my pajamas. And I'd go to class the next day in my pajamas. And sit next to her, so that people know we're friends together, and so, by association, she probably also loves wearing pajamas in public. *impish grin* :}

  2. Haha, mama should have said Okay! And stripped nekkid. I also would want to be there while you played with this "lady".
