Thursday, July 26, 2012

I made a dress.

I made the girl child a dress! And it turned out great! No mess ups whatsoever, except a slight issue with my machine and buttonholes. My machine hates me when it comes to buttonholes. I did 4 test buttonholes on a scrap of fabric. 4!! And yet it still wanted to be a little asshole when I put the actual dress in. Do you know what a pain in the ass it is to rip out buttonhole stitches? Maybe I'm doing it wrong and there's an easier way, if you know one please tell me, but rawr. It was not easy. I got it done though and I must say, it's so cute!! I couldn't find the buttons I really wanted but the ones I found are fine. She loves her new dress and that makes me VERY happy. I'm pretty proud of myself. Here's a picture for your viewing pleasure.

And the links to the tutorial and pattern:
Junebug Dress: Part 1

Junebug Dress: Part 2

Junebug Dress: Part 3


Now I'm off to make myself a maxi skirt! Then, perhaps a shirt for a friend and maybe one for myself.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Sugarlegs update.

So, I know I said I was going to try the whole sugaring thing again. Well, I finally did today. Guess what?! It works!! Sort of. The tutorial I used said to rub cornstarch on your legs so it doesn't feel like you're skinning yourself alive, but of course I'm out of cornstarch. I do, however, have baby powder. What's left, anyway, after the twinado decided to "clean" their bathroom with baby powder. Meh, at least it smells good in there. And they cleaned it up (mostly). I was actually quite impressed at how well they cleaned it up. Anyway, back to the sugaring. I rubbed my legs down with baby powder, applied the gunk, going with the hair growth, then against. I also used A LOT less of it than I did the first time. Now, it isn't perfect and it still feels like you're, well, skinning yourself alive at times, but all in all, success. Thing is though, I didn't have enough cloth strips. So only about half of each lower leg is done. Niiiiiice. I also haven't shaved my legs in.... uh... I don't even remember how long so maybe that helped, too. I want to say I haven't shaved them because I wanted my leg hairs ultra long for this, but that would just be a lie. I just really, REALLY hate shaving my legs. Yes, my husband is a lucky man. I'm going to try to write another post soon, I've been neglecting my blog, but, you know, I have children and I would rather neglect my blog than my children. Good parenting and all.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I was going to write a fun post about my silly excitement over having 100 views on this blog and how my sister said that made me a Centurion. But I'm not going to. I'm too sad. And my head hurts too much.

My kitty is missing. She's been missing for 3 days. At first, I wasn't worried because it isn't unusual for her to stay gone for a day to a day and a half in the summer. But it's been three days. She's 14-15 years old. So, in cat years, pretty old. I'm sad. I went to the local pound to see if someone maybe had found her and turned her in. There was a cat that looked SO much like her, but when I got a good look at her eyes, they were green. Kitty's are more gold. I got out to my car and cried. I've had a raging headache all day. Will's already talking about getting a dog. I don't want a dog, I want my Kitty. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I have tampons on my head.

I used up some of my growing pile of scrap fabric to make hair curlers. I don't know how many people use(d) the pink sponge rollers, but I grew up using them. Mama would roll mine and my sister's hair up in them at night, we'd sleep in them, and the next day we would have curls that pretty much stayed. We both have ultra straight, ultra fine hair that doesn't like to hold a curl so this was one way we could get purty curlies. Except sometimes it didn't work out so well. Mama has a picture of me from Easter one year with a BALL of hair on top of my head. I looked like a deranged poodle. Anyway, I made these curlers. They look an awful lot like fabric tampons with buttons on them, but they work!! I made them a little bigger than the pink rollers of my childhood so that should avoid the deranged poodle from Hell look.

Here's a picture of dems.

Ta-dow. I look mildly deranged, but I think that's fitting.

And here's a picture of my hurr the next morning. I'm bleary eyed because I just woke up and I hadn't had even a sip of coffee yet so don't hate.

I also made that shirt I'm wearing by dyeing and chopping up, then sewing back together an xxl men's t shirt. It's really cute but WAY too short. Damn my long torso.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Judy Judgerson, and Friends

My Facebook friends must be relatively drama free. I rarely see any judgmental or derisive comments or statuses, but I do see posts about those posts. I learned, oh, about three and a half years ago that no matter what you do, someone, somewhere, is judging you to be a terrible person/mother/organism/whatever. I also learned that, frankly my dears, I don't give a damn what you think. With the exception of a small few, such as friends and family. I've been asked if I knew what caused pregnancy/babies. Why is this socially acceptable?! Even if I was Duggar-esque and having babies as fast as I could, this should not be an okay question to ask someone. And I have THREE. And two of those are TWINS. I've been pregnant all of two times. Not to mention, I am, in fact, pretty sure I know that sex causes pregnancy and that pregnancy usually results in a baby. Or babies, if your body is overzealous in it's egg production like mine. I've also had a person tell me, in not so many words, that there was no possible way I was going to love my babies as much as they love their CATS. I was pregnant with my twins at the time. I managed to keep the hormonal rampage in my mind, for the most part. I've seen mothers be judged more harshly than anyone else so far. You didn't have an all natural childbirth in your backyard? Terrible, uncaring, abomination of a mother. Didn't breastfed to two years, or even one? You don't deserve your babies. (yes, I've actually seen someone say this to another mom.) you gave your infant cereal in a bottle? Dear, sweet baby Jesus! How could you?! And this is just the tippy tip of the judgy iceberg. There is also NO age where it is acceptable to have children. You're too young, then you automatically transition into to old. I was told once that it's SICK that I stay at home and depend on my husband for money. Sick? Really? It's all just ridiculous. I guess what I'm getting at is this. People are judgemental assholes. I try not to let them get to me, though it doesn't always work in my favor. Really, just make yourself and your family happy.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Girl child hates my creation

I made this for the girl child. Cute, right? I thought so. She did not. I showed her the fabric before hand and asked if she liked it. She said yes. So, after I got all my offspring in bed and asleep, I started sewing it together. It was really easy to make and I thought it was pretty cute. When she got up the next morning I was all WANT TO SEE WHAT MOMMY MADE YOU?! LET'S GO! I'LL SHOW YOU! whilst jumping around like a lunatic. I was excited. Well, as I start putting it on her, she almost starts crying. Wait, what?! What's the issue? With a look of disgust on her face she says she doesn't like it. Great. We called my mom later and girl child was asked why she didn't like it. It's ugly. Awesome. Thanks, girl child. Mommy loves you. Now, though, it's a challenge. I WILL make one of these dresses and she WILL LOVE IT. Dammit.